Our mission is to provide daily audios of successive writings from messengers of God. We will in succession provide one audio chapter each of each Old Testament (OT) history, OT wisdom / poetry, OT Prophet, New Testament (NT) Gospel, and NT Epistle. Then 10 paragraphs of catechism, and one chapter of church fathers, doctors, saints or apologists.

Hello to my fellow busy siblings in Christ that love listening to God’s messengers along with me and want to keep listening to these recordings. I have no intent of ending this ministry, but I am transitioning the way I deliver the recordings in two phases. The first phase is to share a dropbox link where you can obtain the recordings for each date. The second phase, which I hope to finish as soon as possible, is a new website from private servers. I would ask that you email me at thom.ives@gmail.com to request the dropbox link if you want it. Please also have anyone you refer to Nuntii Dei request the link by email from me rather than giving them the link yourself. I will NOT be sharing their email with anyone. Having all listeners’ email addresses will allow me to inform all listeners of transitions as they happen. God bless you all, Thom

Category:general -- posted at: 1:30am EDT

RSV Joshua 12, Psalms 125, Ezekiel 37, Mark 8, Revelation 18, Catechism 481-490, Justin Martyr First Apology 15

Direct download: NuntiiDei_1193_Mar_31_2018.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EDT

RSV Joshua 11, Psalms 124, Ezekiel 36, Mark 7, Revelation 17, Catechism 471-480, Justin Martyr First Apology 14

Direct download: NuntiiDei_1192_Mar_30_2018.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EDT

RSV Exodus 30, Psalms 27, Isaiah 46, Matthew 6, 1 Corinthians 4, Catechism 2151-2160, Justin Martyr Dialogue with Trypho 38

Direct download: NuntiiDei_1074_Dec_2_2017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EDT

RSV 2 Maccabees 10, Sirach 35, Jonah 1, Matthew 10, 1 Peter 1, Catechism 1301-1310, Fragments from the Lost Writings of Irenæus 8

Direct download: NuntiiDei_989_Sep_8_2017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EDT

RSV 1 Chronicles 18, Psalms 120, Jeremiah 16, Luke 8, Revelation 20, Catechism 2801-2810, 4 Irenaeus Against Heresies 37-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_853_Apr_25_2017.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00am EDT

This was a question posed to me by one of our listeners of the Nuntii Dei podcasts. I cannot truly answer for God. However, since I have been seeking to grow closer to God through Christ for 36+ years, and since I am a child of His through His grace, I will try to answer from my knowledge of Church Tradition including the Holy Scriptures and from my experience of walking with God.


When God gave the command, He also gave the consequence for disobeying it. The consequence of disobeying that first and only commandment given to our parents, the parents of us all, was that they would surely die. Even though Adam and Eve were made in the image and likeness of God, when they had Seth and Cain, Seth and Cain were born of Adam and Eve’s image and likeness too, and inherited their sin nature as did all people born after them.


However, the rest of the story is one of God working toward a solution of restoring our relationship to God. God’s greatest act of restoration was allowing a part of Triune God to become a man - Jesus Christ. The new testament contains the story of how and why Jesus came. His biggest reason for coming was to die for our sins and to be raised from the dead for our justification (i.e. for our being made right with God). So, God has provided a solution to the problem caused in the Garden by the choice of our first parents that brought sin into the world. And God is so incredibly merciful and gracious that He now extends forgiveness to any that turn to Jesus, because Jesus is the Way to the Father for any that believe that Jesus was the payment for their sins and choose to repent (i.e. turn away) from their sins and follow Him.


What’s even more incredible is that God gives divine power to live this way to those that want to live this way. We must also remember through all that has happened that God regards sin as a horrible thing, and that God insists on dealing with it. However, God is so incredibly merciful that God dealt with it personally through the incarnation (God miraculously becoming a man), death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Category:general -- posted at: 7:30pm EDT

I met a childhood prodigy when we were both young men. The story of how he was discovered was truly fascinating. He clearly received this talent through a unique combination of his parents genetics. In spite of this amazing amount of natural talent, he still had to work hard to achieve greatness. Without that work, he wouldn't have become a noteworthy artist.

From the conviction that this world contains much foreshadowing of the lives we will have with God forever, it strikes me that all those entering into a deep relationship with God through a sincere faith in God's saving mercy through Christ are spiritual prodigies through rebirth caused by God's divinely merciful power.

And yet, like that artist I met years ago, I believe that unless we in faith turn from the worldly and toward the work of the spiritual/heavenly, and exercise/walk in the Spirit, how can we expect to grow closer to God as His children? And if we grow closer to God as His children, and practice what He would have us practice, wouldn't we experience amazing things as those born of someone truly great would experience?

To have this ever greater relationship with Him and spiritual experience with Him, all we have to do is rely on His mercy, and mercy upon mercy, and grace upon grace. Simply deeply wanting this relational depth and having faith that we can results in more joy than we could have ever thought to ask for or thought to have.

And we learn what we can do to grow in this amazing relationship through studying what He has given us through His holy messengers and becoming doers of those things. This takes work somewhat like the work that my artist friend put in, and yet our works are enabled the divine power of God given to us by His grace, and they were prepared beforehand by God our Father that we should walk in them.

Category:general -- posted at: 2:32am EDT