Our mission is to provide daily audios of successive writings from messengers of God. We will in succession provide one audio chapter each of each Old Testament (OT) history, OT wisdom / poetry, OT Prophet, New Testament (NT) Gospel, and NT Epistle. Then 10 paragraphs of catechism, and one chapter of church fathers, doctors, saints or apologists.

RSV 2 Chronicles 5, Job 37, Jeremiah 49, Matthew 16, Romans 2, Catechism 851-860, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 30-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_372_Dec_31_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Chronicles 4, Job 36, Jeremiah 48, Matthew 15, Romans 1, Catechism 841-850, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 29-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_371_Dec_30_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Chronicles 3, Job 35, Jeremiah 47, Matthew 14, Acts 28, Catechism 831-840, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 29-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_370_Dec_29_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Chronicles 2, Job 34, Jeremiah 46, Matthew 13, Acts 27, Catechism 821-830, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 29-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_369_Dec_28_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Chronicles 1, Job 33, Jeremiah 45, Matthew 12, Acts 26, Catechism 811-820, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 29-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_368_Dec_27_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 29, Job 32, Jeremiah 44, Matthew 11, Acts 25, Catechism 801-810, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 28-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_367_Dec_26_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 28, Job 31, Jeremiah 43, Matthew 10, Acts 24, Catechism 791-800, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 28-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_366_Dec_25_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 27, Job 30, Jeremiah 42, Matthew 9, Acts 23, Catechism 781-790, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 27-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_365_Dec_24_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 26, Job 29, Jeremiah 41, Matthew 8, Acts 22, Catechism 771-780, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 27-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_364_Dec_23_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 25, Job 28, Jeremiah 40, Matthew 7, Acts 21, Catechism 761-770, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 27-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_363_Dec_22_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 24, Job 27, Jeremiah 39, Matthew 6, Acts 20, Catechism 751-760, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 27-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_362_Dec_21_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 23, Job 26, Jeremiah 38, Matthew 5, Acts 19, Catechism 741-750, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 26-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_361_Dec_20_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 22, Job 25, Jeremiah 37, Matthew 4, Acts 18, Catechism 731-740, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 26-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_360_Dec_19_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 21, Job 24, Jeremiah 36, Matthew 3, Acts 17, Catechism 721-730, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 26-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_359_Dec_18_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 20, Job 23, Jeremiah 35, Matthew 2, Acts 16, Catechism 711-720, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 25-6

Direct download: NuntiiDei_358_Dec_17_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 19, Job 22, Jeremiah 34, Matthew 1, Acts 15, Catechism 701-710, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 25-5

Direct download: NuntiiDei_357_Dec_16_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 18, Job 21, Jeremiah 33, John 21, Acts 14, Catechism 691-700, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 25-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_356_Dec_15_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 17, Job 20, Jeremiah 32, John 20, Acts 13, Catechism 681-690, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 25-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_355_Dec_14_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 16, Job 19, Jeremiah 31, John 19, Acts 12, Catechism 671-680, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 25-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_354_Dec_13_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 15, Job 18, Jeremiah 30, John 18, Acts 11, Catechism 661-670, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 25-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_353_Dec_12_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 14, Job 17, Jeremiah 29, John 17, Acts 10, Catechism 651-660, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 24-7

Direct download: NuntiiDei_352_Dec_11_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 13, Job 16, Jeremiah 28, John 16, Acts 9, Catechism 641-650, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 24-6

Direct download: NuntiiDei_351_Dec_10_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 12, Job 15, Jeremiah 27, John 15, Acts 8, Catechism 631-640, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 24-5

Direct download: NuntiiDei_350_Dec_9_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 11, Job 14, Jeremiah 26, John 14, Acts 7, Catechism 621-630, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 24-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_349_Dec_8_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 10, Job 13, Jeremiah 25, John 13, Acts 6, Catechism 611-620, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 24-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_348_Dec_7_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 9, Job 12, Jeremiah 24, John 12, Acts 5, Catechism 601-610, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 24-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_347_Dec_6_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 8, Job 11, Jeremiah 23, John 11, Acts 4, Catechism 591-600, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 24-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_346_Dec_5_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 7, Job 10, Jeremiah 22, John 10, Acts 3, Catechism 581-590, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 23-5prepare

Direct download: NuntiiDei_345_Dec_4_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 6, Job 9, Jeremiah 21, John 9, Acts 2, Catechism 571-580, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 23-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_344_Dec_3_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 5, Job 8, Jeremiah 20, John 8, Acts 1, Catechism 561-570, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 23-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_343_Dec_2_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 4, Job 7, Jeremiah 19, John 7, Revelation 22, Catechism 551-560, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 23-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_342_Dec_1_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 3, Job 6, Jeremiah 18, John 6, Revelation 21, Catechism 541-550, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 23-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_341_Nov_30_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 2, Job 5, Jeremiah 17, John 5, Revelation 20, Catechism 531-540, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 22-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_340_Nov_29_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Chronicles 1, Job 4, Jeremiah 16, John 4, Revelation 19, Catechism 521-530, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 22-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_339_Nov_28_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 25, Job 3, Jeremiah 15, John 3, Revelation 18, Catechism 511-520, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 21-5

Direct download: NuntiiDei_338_Nov_27_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 24, Job 2, Jeremiah 14, John 2, Revelation 17, Catechism 501-510, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 21-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_337_Nov_26_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 23, Job 1, Jeremiah 13, John 1, Revelation 16, Catechism 491-500, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 21-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_336_Nov_25_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 22, Sirach 51, Jeremiah 12, Luke 24, Revelation 15, Catechism 481-490, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 21-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_335_Nov_24_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 21, Sirach 50, Jeremiah 11, Luke 23, Revelation 14, Catechism 471-480, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 21-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_334_Nov_23_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 20, Sirach 49, Jeremiah 10, Luke 22, Revelation 13, Catechism 461-470, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 20-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_333_Nov_22_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 19, Sirach 48, Jeremiah 9, Luke 21, Revelation 12, Catechism 451-460, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 20-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_332_Nov_21_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 18, Sirach 47, Jeremiah 8, Luke 20, Revelation 11, Catechism 441-450, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 20-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_331_Nov_20_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 17, Sirach 46, Jeremiah 7, Luke 19, Revelation 10, Catechism 431-440, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 19-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_330_Nov_19_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 16, Sirach 45, Jeremiah 6, Luke 18, Revelation 9, Catechism 421-430, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 19-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_329_Nov_18_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 15, Sirach 44, Jeremiah 5, Luke 17, Revelation 8, Catechism 411-420, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 18-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_328_Nov_17_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 14, Sirach 43, Jeremiah 4, Luke 16, Revelation 7, Catechism 401-410, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 18-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_327_Nov_16_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 13, Sirach 42, Jeremiah 3, Luke 15, Revelation 6, Catechism 391-400, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 18-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_326_Nov_15_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 12, Sirach 41, Jeremiah 2, Luke 14, Revelation 5, Catechism 381-390, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 18-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_325_Nov_14_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 11, Sirach 40, Jeremiah 1, Luke 13, Revelation 4, Catechism 371-380, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 17-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_324_Nov_13_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 10, Sirach 39, Isaiah 66, Luke 12, Revelation 3, Catechism 361-370, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 17-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_323_Nov_12_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 9, Sirach 38, Isaiah 65, Luke 11, Revelation 2, Catechism 351-360, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 16-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_322_Nov_11_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 8, Sirach 37, Isaiah 64, Luke 10, Revelation 1, Catechism 341-350, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 16-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_321_Nov_10_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 7, Sirach 36, Isaiah 63, Luke 9, Jude, Catechism 331-340, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 16-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_320_Nov_9_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 6, Sirach 35, Isaiah 62, Luke 8, 3 John, Catechism 321-330, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 15-6

Direct download: NuntiiDei_319_Nov_8_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 5, Sirach 34, Isaiah 61, Luke 7, 2 John, Catechism 311-320, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 15-5

Direct download: NuntiiDei_318_Nov_7_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 4, Sirach 33, Isaiah 60, Luke 6, 1 John 5, Catechism 301-310, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 15-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_317_Nov_6_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 3, Sirach 32, Isaiah 59, Luke 5, 1 John 4, Catechism 291-300, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 15-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_316_Nov_5_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 2, Sirach 31, Isaiah 58, Luke 4, 1 John 3, Catechism 281-290, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 15-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_315_Nov_4_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Kings 1, Sirach 30, Isaiah 57, Luke 3, 1 John 2, Catechism 271-280, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 15-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_314_Nov_3_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 22, Sirach 29, Isaiah 56, Luke 2, 1 John 1, Catechism 261-270, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 14-9

Direct download: NuntiiDei_313_Nov_2_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 21, Sirach 28, Isaiah 55, Luke 1, 2 Peter 3, Catechism 251-260, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 14-8

Direct download: NuntiiDei_312_Nov_1_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 20, Sirach 27, Isaiah 54, Mark 16, 2 Peter 2, Catechism 241-250, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 14-7

Direct download: NuntiiDei_311_Oct_31_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 19, Sirach 26, Isaiah 53, Mark 15, 2 Peter 1, Catechism 231-240, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 14-6

Direct download: NuntiiDei_310_Oct_30_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 18, Sirach 25, Isaiah 52, Mark 14, 1 Peter 5, Catechism 221-230, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 14-5

Direct download: NuntiiDei_309_Oct_29_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 17, Sirach 24, Isaiah 51, Mark 13, 1 Peter 4, Catechism 211-220, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 14-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_308_Oct_28_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 16, Sirach 23, Isaiah 50, Mark 12, 1 Peter 3, Catechism 201-210, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 14-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_307_Oct_27_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 15, Sirach 22, Isaiah 49, Mark 11, 1 Peter 2, Catechism 191-200, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 14-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_306_Oct_26_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 14, Sirach 21, Isaiah 48, Mark 10, 1 Peter 1, Catechism 181-190, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 14-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_305_Oct_25_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 13, Sirach 20, Isaiah 47, Mark 9, James 5, Catechism 171-180, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 13-7

Direct download: NuntiiDei_304_Oct_24_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 12, Sirach 19, Isaiah 46, Mark 8, James 4, Catechism 161-170, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 13-6

Direct download: NuntiiDei_303_Oct_23_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 11, Sirach 18, Isaiah 45, Mark 7, James 3, Catechism 151-160, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 13-5

Direct download: NuntiiDei_302_Oct_22_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 10, Sirach 17, Isaiah 44, Mark 6, James 2, Catechism 141-150, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 13-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_301_Oct_21_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 9, Sirach 16, Isaiah 43, Mark 5, James 1, Catechism 131-140, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 13-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_300_Oct_20_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 8, Sirach 15, Isaiah 42, Mark 4, Hebrews 13, Catechism 121-130, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 13-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_299_Oct_19_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 7, Sirach 14, Isaiah 41, Mark 3, Hebrews 12, Catechism 111-120, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 13-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_298_Oct_18_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 6, Sirach 13, Isaiah 40, Mark 2, Hebrews 11, Catechism 101-110, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 12-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_297_Oct_17_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 5, Sirach 12, Isaiah 39, Mark 1, Hebrews 10, Catechism 91-100, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 12-2-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_296_Oct_16_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 4, Sirach 11, Isaiah 38, Matthew 28, Hebrews 9, Catechism 81-90, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 12-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_295_Oct_15_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 3, Sirach 10, Isaiah 37, Matthew 27, Hebrews 8, Catechism 71-80, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 11-5

Direct download: NuntiiDei_294_Oct_14_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 2, Sirach 9, Isaiah 36, Matthew 26, Hebrews 7, Catechism 61-70, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 11-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_293_Oct_13_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 1 Kings 1, Sirach 8, Isaiah 35, Matthew 25, Hebrews 6, Catechism 51-60, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 11-2-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_292_Oct_12_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 24, Sirach 7, Isaiah 34, Matthew 24, Hebrews 5, Catechism 41-50, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 11-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_291_Oct_11_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 23, Sirach 6, Isaiah 33, Matthew 23, Hebrews 4, Catechism 31-40, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 10-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_290_Oct_10_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 22, Sirach 5, Isaiah 32, Matthew 22, Hebrews 3, Catechism 21-30, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 10-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_289_Oct_9_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 21, Sirach 4, Isaiah 31, Matthew 21, Hebrews 2, Catechism 11-20, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 10-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_288_Oct_8_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 20, Sirach 3, Isaiah 30, Matthew 20, Hebrews 1, Catechism 1-10, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 9-5

Direct download: NuntiiDei_287_Oct_7_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 19, Sirach 2, Isaiah 29, Matthew 19, Philemon, Catechism 2851-2860-2865, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 9-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_286_Oct_6_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 18, Sirach 1, Isaiah 28, Matthew 18, Titus 3, Catechism 2841-2850, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 9-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_285_Oct_5_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 17, Sirach 0, Isaiah 27, Matthew 17, Titus 2, Catechism 2831-2840, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 9-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_284_Oct_4_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 16, Wisdom 19, Isaiah 26, Matthew 16, Titus 1, Catechism 2821-2830, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 9-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_283_Oct_3_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 15, Wisdom 18, Isaiah 25, Matthew 15, 2 Timothy 4, Catechism 2811-2820, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 8-5

Direct download: NuntiiDei_282_Oct_2_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 14, Wisdom 17, Isaiah 24, Matthew 14, 2 Timothy 3, Catechism 2801-2810, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 8-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_281_Oct_1_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 13, Wisdom 16, Isaiah 23, Matthew 13, 2 Timothy 2, Catechism 2791-2800, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 8-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_280_Sep_30_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 12, Wisdom 15, Isaiah 22, Matthew 12, 2 Timothy 1, Catechism 2781-2790, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 8-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_279_Sep_29_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 11, Wisdom 14, Isaiah 21, Matthew 11, 1 Timothy 6, Catechism 2771-2780, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 8-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_278_Sep_28_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 10, Wisdom 13, Isaiah 20, Matthew 10, 1 Timothy 5, Catechism 2761-2770, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 7-5

Direct download: NuntiiDei_277_Sep_27_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 9, Wisdom 12, Isaiah 19, Matthew 9, 1 Timothy 4, Catechism 2751-2760, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 7-4

Direct download: NuntiiDei_276_Sep_26_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 8, Wisdom 11, Isaiah 18, Matthew 8, 1 Timothy 3, Catechism 2741-2750, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 7-3

Direct download: NuntiiDei_275_Sep_25_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 7, Wisdom 10, Isaiah 17, Matthew 7, 1 Timothy 2, Catechism 2731-2740, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 7-2

Direct download: NuntiiDei_274_Sep_24_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST

RSV 2 Samuel 6, Wisdom 9, Isaiah 16, Matthew 6, 1 Timothy 1, Catechism 2721-2730, 1 Irenaeus Against Heresies 7-1

Direct download: NuntiiDei_273_Sep_23_2015.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 1:00am EST